Current democracy is shaped so that the formation of groups takes power away. With groups, violence and confusion can occur, making union impossible.
The method of peaceful unification is to value individual merit and direct citizen participation in daily politics. For example, the composition of the legislature in the method there will be no space for the formation of parties, allowing to unify politics and further improve democracy. This is the only way to the world peace.
In the past, some cities such as Athens, Florence, Venice, among others, have adopted half of the members of the legislature by lot. They ruled successfully, reflecting the sentiment of the community. Over time, as cities grew. Today, professional politicians dominate the world. With rivalry and group dispute, conflict is increasing and distorting reality, for the people to participate directly in the political decision. Pick one half of the legislature members by the Unipaz game (Japanese chess). This purpose is to select the most rational citizens, everyone can participate. Maybe someday carry out a dreamed political reform, if it succeeds, go up an efficient and drop political cost, the people thank them.
* The people participate of whole political acts in whole time;
* Political reform is the mother of all reforms;
* Legislaive branch B is the choice without political process. The trend is stay neutral and polytical party may to decrease to minimun.
* Peace unification of the world. Only way is individual competition to power. People wish, will be acquire. It can.
The game is known in Japan as SHOGUI, diffused for more than one century. This is one of the best of the world. It’s a very mounted game, for best to attract the attention and the people´s interest, besides being instructive for the development of the reasoning and of the intelligence. Still, through this, we can get new friendships and to do communication with other people.
It consists, basically, in these two kings ´dispute that they battle in a squared board 9x9. It is a battle that demands ratiocinate because the Game is of same origin to the of chess being, however, more complex and with a difference: there is not tie.
In elapsing of the Game, mathematics, precision, creation will be demanded of you formulate varied, planning of war strategy, prevention and act of several different situations. Everything is prepared so that, when being reached the final objective, to immobilize the opposing king, the takings of decisions are the right possible, what will reflect control and the winner player´s reasoning.
1 - They separate three careers that form the territory defense area of each one, and more three middle careers that form the battle field. They compose the game 40 pieces, being 20 on each side. It still possesses 8 different components, different movement, according to the following drawing, should move or to place the piece one of every time The winner of the battle will be it that first to immobilize the opposing king or, still, to place its king in the opponent's throne.
2 - The piece that enter or if they move in the three careers of the area of the opponent's territory they can be turned in the red part. The musket and the pistol will win 4 movement of positions, according to the red line. Jutte, horse, arch arrow and the lance acquire capacity the same to the sword, according to the illustration of the piece They will lose the original movement, however, if the player prefers to conserve it, being to its figure original.
3 - The opposing piece that to be within reach of yours, it can be captured and yours placed in her place. The captured piece can been placed in any empty space as its piece possessor to attack or defense.
4 - The only piece capable to jump over is the horse The rest is limited.
5 - It cannot place its lances of the same player in the same vertical career.
6 - It cannot place piece that doesn't have space to move. This happens with horse, arch arrow and it lance, when placed in the opponent's last careers.
7 - It cannot immobilize King with lance, placing in front of him.
8 - They rarely happen infinite plays (repetition of plays). The player beginner of the game should Usually change the play, same if attacking the king, Who is attacking the king, it should change the play.
Difference between Shogi and Unipaz is part of the figure and also small rule change to prevent a tie (in letter red).
The world's people are looking for world peace and the elimination of the atomic bomb, but today we are not close to peace. For this, it is necessary to change two points of the situation:
* First, the predominance of men in the public power, mainly in the legislature. Women need to occupy their space. Half and one more, proportional to its population. Statistics show that women's participation in public power tends to reduce violence and increase justice;
* Second, we must change the dispute of the public power by groups (the party against party and country against the country). It is necessary to change the dispute by the individual, and everyone must have equal opportunities through a fair selection for individual achievement and ability. Currently, the public machine is inefficient and bloated. Whoever enters with fraud or political influence manages with fraud and corruption.
It is necessary to cut this path to improve efficiency and reduce the public sector. The Pacifica Unification method shows this path, the rules, and the instruments to achieve these goals. Without the right tools, nothing will change.